The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation, Welcomes Only Our Truthfully Brothers And Sisters Of First Nations Grassroots Culture And Heritage, Worldwide .


That Means : No Wihios ... No Columbus ... No Uncel Tom's ... No Aunt Tom's ... No Gringo's ... No Gringa's ... No Rednecks ... No Hypocites ... No Traitors ...  No Rippers ...

No Biters ... No Wannabe's ... And No Bloodsuckers Just Like - Can You Dig'It .


To Become A Recruit With The Black Panther Organization, You Must Send Us A Few Information To The Best Of Your Knowledge .


All Information Given To The Black Panther Organization, Is Confidential And Will Not Be Viewed By Any Outside Personnel .


Upon Complition Of Your Recruitment-Application, Based On The Discretion Of Our Leadership, You May Be If Possible, Appointed To An Verbal Or Personelly Interview, Which Will Determine Your Eligibility For Your Recruitmentship With The Black Panther Organization .


Everything We Stand For, Must Be Understood And Accepted Before Approving The Application. Submission Of This Application Means, That You Accept The Condition And Action, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization .


If Accepted For The Recruitmentship, You Accept And Agree To Donate Each Year, A One Time Recruitmentship Donation-Amount To Support  Our Principles, Guidelines And Goals Of  Revolutionary Pan'First Nations Grassrootsnism .


The One Time Recruitmentship Donation-Amount Will Be Taking Into Consideration With The Local, Regional And National Conditions That May Require Flexible Treatment .


If Accepted For The Recruitmentship, You Accept And Support With Unbreakable Loyalty And Respect Everything We Stand For, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization .


Violation Of Everything We Stand For, Will Result With The Immediate Lifetime Termination Of Your Recruitmentship And Contact With The Black Panther Organization .



B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots


First Nations North'American ... First Nations Central'American ... First Nations South'American ... First Nations African ... Afro'North American ... Afro'Central American  ... Afro'South American - First Nations Caribbean ... Afro'Caribbean ... First Nations Australian ... Afro'Australian ... First Nations New Zealander ... Afro'New Zealander ... People Of First Nations Grassroots Culture And Heritage In General ... Worldwide .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Leadership


To Qualify For The First Nations Leadership, You Must Be An Unbreakable Loyal, Committed And Self-Deticated Full-Recruit Of The Grassroots Corps, Which Determine Your Eligibility For The Leadership, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Corps


To Qualify For The First Nations Grassroots Corps, You Must Be An Unbreakable Loyal, Committed And Self-Deticated Full-Recruit Of The Grassroots Staff, Which Determine Your Eligibility For The Grassroots Corps, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nattions Grassroots Staff


To Qualify For The First Nations Staff, You Must Be An Unbreakable Loyal, Committed And Self-Deticated Full-Recruit Of The Grassroots Committee, Which Determine Your Eligibility For The Grassroots Staff, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Committee


To Qualify For The First Nations Committee, You Must Be An Unbreakable Loyal, Committed And Self-Deticated Grassroots Full-Recruit, Which Determine Your Eligibility For The Grassroots Committee, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Full-Recruit


To Qualify For The First Nations Full-Recruit, You Have To Be An Unbreakable Loyal, Committed And Self-Deticated Grassroots Standard Recruit, Which Determine Your Eligibility For The Grassroots Full-Recruitmentship, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Standard-Recruit


With Your Standard-Recruitmentship You Accept And Support With Unbreakable Loyalty And Respect Our Princeples, Guidelines And Goals Of Revolutionary Pan'Native Grassrootsnism And Revolutionary Pan'Grassrootsnism, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Recruitmentship-Amount


The First Nations Recruitmentship Donation-Amount For Each Year, Will Be Taking Into Consideration With The Local And National Condition That Require Flexible Treatment, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation .


The Youth To The Age Of 18 Years, Are Free From Any Recruitmentship Donation-Amount .



Please Send Us All These Following And Required Information, To The Best Of Your Knowledge, Only In Typewritten - Style To Our Honor P.O. Box Address


Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation


Honor First Nations Grassroots Administration - C/O Staff


P.O. Box / Postfach  11 17 24 


86042  Augsburg - Germany



B.P.O  First Nations Grassroots Recruitmentship-Application


* Your 2 Current ID - Pictures


* Grassroots / Tribe


* Ethnic Origin


* Nationality


* Culture ( s )


* Citizenship ( s )


* Company - Business


* Website ( s )


* Sir / Mrs. / ...


* Gender ( Male / Female )


* Legal Firstname ( s )


* Legal Lastname ( s )


* Preferred - Name


* Date Of Birth


* Place Of Birth


* Social Security Number [ If Not - Why ? ]


* Single / Married


* Children [ If Yes , How Many ]


* Streetname & Streetnumber


* Zip - Code


* City / Village


* State


* Country


* Country - Dialing Code


* Home Phonenumber


* Cell - Phone


* E - Mail / Address And URL


* Jail Or Prison Time [ If Yes , Where ... For How Long ... And Why ? ]


* Military History ( If Yes ,  Country & Branch & Platoon )


* Reason For Join / Leave The Military


* Military Discharge - Status


* Previous - Occupation ( s )


* Spezialize - Specifications


* Knowledge Of Grassroots Languages And Colonial Languages


* Life Resume


* How You Serve Your Community


* Future Plans


* Why You Decided To Become A Recruit


* What Are Your Goals Inside And With The Black Panther Organization


* How Did You Hear From Us


* Date And Signature

* * No Pictures Nor Available Texts On This Website Is To Be Copied Or To Reproduced Without The Written Permission Of The Black Panther Organization - First Nations Grassroots Movement * *