This Website Will Assist Your Knowledge And Understanding Of Our International Black Panther First Nations Grassroots Movement Legacy And International Work For Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation For All Our First Nations, Worldwide !


Our History And Current Situation Of All Our First Nations Has Proven, That The Babylon Man And Man Just Like Him, Is Absolutely Disagreeable To Get Along-With In Peace, Worldwide !


All Our First Nations Have Been Subjected And Always Will Be Subjected To The Babylon Man's Wrath, As Long As We Do Not Have Our Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like, Worldwide !


Our History To This Current Day Give All Our First Nations The Right To Defend Ourselves Against Our Oppressors And People Just Like, However The Situation Of The Oppression Demand Our Self-Defense, Worldwide !


We, The Black Panther Organization, Do Not Advocate Any Kind Of Intentional Violence. We Advocate Self-Defence, Worldwide !


Therefore, We Declare Our Rights On This Earth To Be A Human Being, To Be Respected As A Human Being, To Be Given The Rights Of A Human Being In Every Society, To Be Given The Rights For Pan'Liberation, On This Earth, On This Day, Which We Will Bring Into Existence, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .



The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation Is Hereby Established On The 1st Day Of June 1990 - Dakota Territory .


We, The People Of All First Nations, People Who Are First Nations North'American - First Nations Central American - First Nations South'American - First Nations African - Afro'North American - Afro'Central American - Afro'South American - First Nations Caribbean - Afro'Caribbean - First Nations Australian - Afro'Australian - First Nations New Zealander - Afro'New Zealander ... People Of First Nations Grassroots Culture And Heritage In General ... , Speak Out Against The Slavery And Oppression Inflicted Upon Us By These Babylon Governments Power Structure And People Just Like .


We Fight To Destroy Any Courses Of Action That Will Conquer Oppression, Relieve Suffering, And Convert Meaningless Struggle Into Meaningful Actions, Against All Our People Of All Our First Nations .


Confident That Our Purpose Will Be Achieved, We The People Of All Our Warrior And Revolutionary First Nations Make The Following Known :


We Are A International Revolutionary First Nations Grassroots Organization, Who Mission It Is To Defend The Human Rights For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, And To Promote The Self-Determination In Our Home, Communities, Cities, Local, National And International .


We Also Understand And Believe, That The Previous And Current Collective Institutions Of The Babylon Supremacy, Patriarchal And Capitalism And Full-Completeness Oppression, Damage The Roots Of All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, And That Without Community Control And Without The Power To Determine Our Own Humanely Lives, We Will Always Continue To Fall As Victims To Genocide .


Therefore, We Seek To Heighten Our Consiousness About The Self-Determination As A Human Right And As A Solution To Our Revolution. The Success Can We Only Find And Reach, If Each One Of Us Is Commited To Walk And Build A Way, Who Goal It Is, To Build Human Dignity For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


Our First Nations Ideology Is Revolutionary Pan'First Nations Grassrootsnism. Therefore, Our Principles, Guidelines And Goals Are To Unite All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, To One Powerful Revolutionary First Nations Grassroots Movement .


Our Ideological Principles, Guidelines And Goals Of Revolutionary Pan'First Nations Grassrootsnism Means: To Determine Our Own Destiny And Fully Control All Our Own Institutions Exists, Worldwide .


While Organizing Around Our Principles And Guidelines Of Unity And Respect, We Are Building A Strong And Powerful Network Of Revolutionaries, Activists And Organizers, Who Are Commited To The Protracted Struggle For The Pan'Liberation Of All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


The Black Panther Organization Concists Of Good Loyally Leadership And Brotherhood, That Will Follow Forever For Our Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


The Black Panther Organization, Will Launch A First Nations Revolution Which Will Provide The Means For Restoring Our Identity That We Join Our Truthfully Warriors And Revolutianary Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Worldwide, Culturally, Psychologically, Economically, And Share With Them The Sweet Fruits Of Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like - By Any Means Necessary  .


The Black Panther Organization, Welcomes Only Our Truthfully Brothers And Sisters Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, To Come Together And Dedicate Their Ideas, Skills, And Lives To Free Our People From Oppression And Independence Of All Racist Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like - By Any Means Necessary .


Every Recruit Of The Black Panther Organization Must Be Deticated And Loyal To The Codex, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization, And To Our One Goal: Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like - By Any Means Necessary .


Branches Of The Black Panther Organization, Can Only Be Established By Authorized Full-Recruits Of The Black Panther Organization, Wherever They May Be And Whatever Their Ideology May Be, As Long As They Loyally Follow And Obey The Codex, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization, And Be Descendants Of All Our First Nations, And To Our One Goal: Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like - By Any Means Necessary .


The Programs Of The Black Pantherorganization Which Are Represented In The Past, Right Now And In The Future, Can And Will Be Modefied By The Recruitmentship, And Will Be Taking Into Consideration With The Local, Regional And National Condition That May Require Flexible Treatment .


The Black Panther Organization Encourages Active Participation Of Each Recruit, Since We Feel That Each And Everybody Has Something To Contribute To Our Freedom .


Understanding The Differences That Have Been Created Amongst Us By All Our Oppressors In Order To Keep Us Divided, The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation - First Nations Grassroots Movement, Strives To Ignor Or Submerge These Artificial Divisions By Focusing Our Activities And Our Loyalities Upon Our One Goal: Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like - By Any Means Necessary .


Therefore, We Call For An Worldwide-End To First Nations Grassroots Gang Violence And An Worldwide-End Of First Nations Grassroots  Against First Nations Grassroots  Violence In General. That Is Why We Strive For Wisdom, Education And Knowledge To Compete With The Best In Our Civilization, Worldwide .


Because Great Wisdom, Great Education And Great Knowledge Develop And Defend What is In Our Warrior And Revolutionary Grassroots Self-Interest, And Giving Us Self-Determination And A Higher Standard Of Living, Worldwide .


All Religions Of Our Previous And Current Slave-Masters And Just Like Are The Poison For All Our First Nations Grassroots - The Mankind, Worldwide .


Therefore, All Religions Of Our Previous And Current Slave-Masters And Just Like, Must Be Seperated At All Time From All Our Current And Future First Nations Grassroots  Governments And All Other Governments, Without Any Exceptions, Worldwide .


We Are Not Against First Nations Grassroots Spiritual Believes, First Nations Spritual Faiths And First Nations Spiritual Practices. However All First Nations Grassroots Spiritual Believes, First Nations Grassroots Spiritual Faiths And First Nations Grassroots Spiritual Practices Are Respected, As Long As They Are ...


First: Studied From A Warrior And Revolutionary First Nations Grassroots Liberation Perspective, And To Respect And Protect Our Mother Earth And Her Natural Resources,  And Our First Nations Grassroots Tribes And Family, Worldwide .


Second: Not Any False Spiritual Believes, Spiritual Faiths And Spiritual Practices Who Were Subjugate Upon Our Grassroots Nations Through Our Previous And Current Oppressors And Their Missionaries And People Just Like, Worldwide .


Third: Not Dedicated To Build Any Fundamentalist And Extremist Religious Schools, Organizations, Governments And Supremacies, Or Anything Just Like, Worldwide .


Fourth: Dedicated And Loyal To Our One Goal: Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And All Governments And People Just Like, Worldwide .


We Assert, That We People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Have The Right To Direct And Control Our Lives, Our History, And Our Future Rather Than To Have Our Destinies Determined By Babylonians And People Just Like Them .


We Are Determined To Rediscover Our True First Nations Grassroots Cultures, Which Was Crushed And Hidden For Over Two Thousands Of Years In Order To Enslave Us And To Keep Us Enslaved Up To Today And In The Future, Worldwide .


We, The People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Who Are Enslaved, Oppressed, And Denied By A Society That Proclaims Itself The Citadel Of Democracy, Are Determined To Rediscover Our True History, Promote The Talents That Are Suppressed By All Our Enslavers, Renew The Culture That Was Crushed By Slave Governments And Their Henchman, And Thereby Become Again A Free People, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


We, The People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Must Communicate To One Another The Truth About The Slavery And The Terrible Effect It Has Upon Our People .


We Must Study The Modern System Of Slavery In Order To Free Ourselves From It. We Must Also Search Out All The Bare And Ugly Facts And Without Shame, Why So Many Of Our People Still Victims, Still Slaves And Still Oppressed .


Our People's Only Shame Is Believing In The Filthy And Inhumane Babylon System And Systems Just Like, And Not Seeking The Truth, Worldwide .


We Must Learn All That We Can About Ourselves, And Get To Know The Whole True Story Of How We Wre Kidnapped And Enslaved All Over The World, How Our Ancestors Were Brutalized, Dehumanized, And Murdered, And How We Are Continually Kept In States Of Slavery For The Profit Of A System Conceived In Slavery, Build By Slaves And Dedicated To Keeping Us Enslaved To This Day And In The Future In Order To Maintain Itself, Worldwide .


It Is Our Duty To Reeducate Ourselves And Become Alert Listeners In Order To Learn As Much As We Can About The Progress Of Our History And Heritage .


We Must Correct Our People's Minds Of All The Distorted Images That Our Enslavers Has Portrayed To Them Of Our History And Heritage, And That The Babylonian And People Just Like Them, Still Discourage Our People From Reestablishing Communications With The People Who Obtain Freedom From Oppression And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Worldwide .


We Will Fight To Develop A Warrior And Revolutionary First Nations Grassroots  Power Movement, And To Develop A Complete Constructive Change Amongst Our People Of All Our First Nations nGrassroots, To Defend Our Human Rights And To Promote Our Human Right For Pan'Liberation, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


The Black Panther Organization Will Fight For Unity And Solidarity With Other Pan'Liberation Organizations, Worldwide, And Who Betray The Intrest Of Our Communities And All Our Warrior And Revolutionary First Nations Grassroots, Will Have To Pay The Price For Betrayal - By Any Means Necessary .


We Afirm Our Fight In The Victory For All Our Truthfully People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, In The Name Of Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


We, The Black Panther Organization Will Do Everything In Our Power To Educate Our People And Their Children, And To Take An Active Role In Every Schoolboard Affairs And General Work In Local, Regional, National And International Puplic And Private Schools. That Means, That We Will Do Everything In Our Power To Turn Every Schoolboard, Back Into The Hands Of Our People, Worldwide.


Our People Must Control Their Own Money That Flows In Our Communities And Not The Filthy Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like. Therefore, Our People Must Establish A Human Trade For Their Selves, And For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, But Never Again For Any Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like, Worldwide .


All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Are Not Illegal And All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Have The Same Rights, Doesn't Matter From What Our First Nations Grassroots  He Or She May Be, Except A Babylonian And People Just Like, Worldwide .


We Despise Exploitation, Regardless Of What Nationality Or Purpose Of The Exploiter. Therefore, We Must Remove Every Babylons Economics 'Bloodsuckers' And 'Bloodsuckers' Just Like, Out From All Our Communities, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


Therefore, We Must Struggle That All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Can Build Human Governments And Human Politics With Human Rights Objectivity For The Future Of All Our People Of All First Nations Grassroots, But Never Again For Any Babylon Governments And Governments And People Just Like, Worldwide .


In Areas Where The Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like Has Shown Itself Unable And Unwilling To Bring To Justice Their Own Racist Oppressors, And Murderers, Who Kill Innocent Children And Adults, The Black Panther Organization Advocates That All We People Of All Our First Nations Insure Ourselves That Justice Is Done, Whatever The Price Will Be - By Any Means Necessary .


However, All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Did Not Create The Prejudiced Background And Atmosphere In Which We Live In The Past, Right Now And In The Future, And We Must Face That Fact A 'Racial Society' Does Exist In Stark Reality, And Not With Equality For All Our People Of All First Nations, Worldwide .


So We Who Are None Babylon And Just Like, Must Meet The Problems Inherited From Centuries Of Inequalities And Deal With The Present Situation As Rationally As We Are Able, Worldwide .


In Light Of All Of Our Experiences And Knowledge Of The Past, We The People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Declare Recognition, And Sympathy And Admiration For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Toward Self-Realization And Complete Freedom From All Oppressions And Independence Of All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


Therefore, We Must Continue To Internationalize Our Philosophies And Contacts Toward Full Human Rights Which Include All The Civil Rights Appertaining Thereto. With Complete Understanding Of Our Heritage As People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, We Must Not Do Less, Worldwide .


We, The People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Declare Our Right On This Earth To Be A Human Being, To Be Respected As A Human Being, To Be Given The Rights Of A Human Being In Every Society, To Be Given The Human Rights For Pan'Liberation, On This Earth, In This Day, Which We Will Bring Into Existence For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


Etc. ... Etc. ...



01. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Follow All Princeples, Guidelines And Goals, Set Forth By The Black Panther Organization, Worldwide .


02. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Be Dedicated To Free All Our People Of All Our First Nations From Every Babylon System , Every Babylon Name And Systems And Names And People Just Like, Which Identified The Mankind As Being The Slave-Masters Slave, Worldwide .


03. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


04. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Develop Our Mind And Body To The Greatest Extent Possible, Only For The Benefit For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


05. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Learn All That We Can In Order To Give Our Best, Only For The Benefit For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


06. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Be Committed To Our Familie And All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


07. We Pledge Unbreakabel Loyalty, To Keep Ourselves Phisically Fit, Building A Strong Body Free From Every Substance Abuse And Any Other Intoxications, Which Weaken Us And Make Us Less Capable Of Protecting Ourselves, Our Family, And All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


08. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Unselfishly Share Our Wisdom, Education, Knowledge And Understanding With All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


09. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Discipline Ourselves To Direct Our Energies Thoughtfully And Constructively Rather Than Wasting Them In Idle Hatred, For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


10. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Train Ourselves Never To Hurt Or Allow Others To Harm Our Family And All Our People Of All Our First Nations Nations, Worldwide .


11. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Support And Help To Build Schools, Housings, Hospitals, Farmland And Businessess Etc., For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


12. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Support And Help, And To Give Ourselves, Our Time, Our Energie, Our Talent And Whatever We Can Spare Of Our Finance And Humanity To Accomplish Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation, For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


13. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, That We Will Give Unbreakable Resistence Against Every Babylon System And Systems And People Just Like, For All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


14. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Protect Ourselves, Our Family, And All Our People Of All Our First Nations Nations, Worldwide .


15. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Declare Our Rights On This Earth To Be A Human Being, To Be Respected As A Human Being, To Be Given The Rights Of A Human Being In Every Society, To Be Given The Rights For Pan'Liberation, On This Earth, In This Day, Which We Will Bring Into Existence, Only For The Benefit Of All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


16. We Pledge Unbreakable Loyalty, To Practice These Princeples Daily And To Teach Them To Others In Order To Unite All Our People Of All Our First Nations, Worldwide .


Etc. ... Etc. ...



01. We Believe In Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


02. We Want Freedom And A Immediate Power For All Our First Nations Grassroots, To Determine Their Own Destiny, Without Any Interferences Of Any Imperialistic And Capitalist Babylon System, Worldwide .


We Believe, That All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Will Not Be Free Until We Are Able To Determine Our Destinies In Our Own Communities Ourselves, By Fully Controling All The Institutions Exist In Our Communities, Worldwide .


03. We Want A Immediate Seperation For All Our Grassroots Nations Grassroots, From Every Babylon System And Systems Just Like, Worldwide .


We Believe, That All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Must Be Freed In The Name As Well As In Fact. By This We Mean, That All Our People Of All Our First Nations Must Be Freed From Every Babylon System And Systems Just Like, Which Identified The Mankind As Being The Slave-Masters Slave .


Therefore, We Must Be Only Named In Our Ancesters Peoples Names, And Only Belong To A Humane System, Worldwide .


04. We Want Immediate Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That We Are Never Be Equal And Never Be Equal To Our Previous And Current Slave-Masters In The Status Of The Truthfully Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation, Worldwide .


05. We Want A Immediate Humane International Immigration And Integration Law, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That The Current International Immigration And Integration Laws, Are Hypocritical And Against All Human Rights, And Are Made By Our Previous And Current Babylon Slave-Masters And Their Henchman, Who Are The Enemies Of Our Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'LIberation, Worldwide .


06. We Want A Immediate Full And Complete Protection, For All Our Children And Our Woman Of All Our First Nations Grassroots. Therefore, We Want The Complete Abolition Of All Rights For Every Child And Women-Abuser, Murder, Rapist ... And People Just Like Them, Worldwide .


We Belive, That All Children And All Woman Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Must Be Respected And Protected, From Every Child And Women-Abuser, Murder, Rapist ... And People Just Like Them, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


07. We Want A Immediate Full Employment, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Belive, That All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Are Responsible And Obligated To Give All Our People Of All Our First Nations Employment Or A Guaranteed Income .


We Believe, That If The Governments Businessmen And Businessmen That Support The Governments Will Not Give Full Employment, Then The Technology And Means Of Production Must Be Taken From The Businessmen And Placed In The Hands Of The Community, So That All The People Of The Community Can Organize And Employ All Of Its People And Give High Standard Of Living, Worldwide .


08. We Want A Immediate End Of The Robbery From All Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Against All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Belive, That All the Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like Has Robbed Us, And Now We Are Demanding The Overdue Dept Of 1.000.000,- Dollar Or Whatever It Is The Current Best Money-Exchange Right Now, For Every Year Of A Person Age And For Every Human Being, They Slaved .


We Will Accept The Payment In Currency Which Will Be Distributed To Our Many Communities All Around The World. The Racist Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Has Taken Part In The Slaughter Of Over People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots And Their Culture And Heritage, Worldwide .


Therefore, This Is A Generous Demand That We Make, Worldwide .


09. We Want A Immediate Decent And Humane Housing, That Fit Shelter, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That If The Landlords Will Not Give Decent Housing With Decent Flat-Rates To All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Then The Housings And The Land Must Be Made Into Cooperatives, So That All The People In Our Communities, With The New Government Aid, Can Build And Make Decent Housing With Decent Flat-Rates For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


10. We Want A Emmediate And Decent Education And Knowledge, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, That Teaches Us The True History About Our Ancestors, The True History About Our Previous Honorable Warriors, Honorable Freedom Fighters And Honorable Revolutionaries, The True History That Exposes The True Nature Of This Decandent Society, And That Teaches Us All Our True History And Role In The Present-Day Society, Worldwide .


We Believe, That A Great Wisdom, A Great Educational And A Great Knowledge System, Will Give To All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Great Wisdom And Great Education And Great Knowledge Of Themself .


Because, If You Do Not Have Any Wisdom, Education And Knowledge In General Of Yourself, Then You Will Have Only A Little Chance To Know Anything Else, Worldwide .


11. We Want A Immediate International Establishment Of A Human Trade, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, If All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Can Establish A Human Trade For Oneself, Their People, Their Heritage And Their Nations, Their Have A Change To Get And Stay Out Of Poverty, And To Buil And To Control Their Own Businesses In Our Communities Worldwide, And Not Any Corrupted And Inhumane Imperialistic And Capitalist Babylon Governments And Governments Just Like, Worldwide .


12. We Want A Immediate And Completely Free Health-Care, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That All Governments Must Provide, Free Of Charge, For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Health-Facilities Which Not Only Treat Our Illnesses, Most Of Which Have Come About As A Result Of Oppression Against All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, But Which Will Also Give All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Access To Advenced Scientific And Medical Information, So That We May Provide Ourselves With Proper Medical Attention And Care, Worldwide .


13. We Want A Immediate End Of All Police And Government Brutality, Rape, Murder And Oppression, Against All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That All The Racists And Fascist Policeforces And Governments Of The World Uses Its Domestic Enforcement Agencies, To Carry Out Its Program Of Oppression Against All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


Therefore, We Believe That We Brothers And Sisters Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Have The Right To Defent Ourself, Our Children, Our Family And Our Communities, Against These Racists And Fascist Policeforces And Their Terrorist Governments, Worldwide -By Any Means Necessary .


14. We Want A Immediate End Of All Illegal Wars Of Aggression, Against All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe, That The Various Conflicts Which Exists All Around The World, Stem Directly From The Aggresive Desire Of The Illegal Israel Ruling Circle And Government, The Illegal North America Ruling Circle And Government, And From All Their Other Illegal Babylon Ruling Circles And Governments, To Force It's Domination Upon All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


We Believe If All These Governments, Do Not Cease These Illegal Aggresive Wars, Than It Is Our Right To Defend Ourself Against Our Aggressors - By Any Means Necessary .


15. We Want A Immediate Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation, For All Our First Nations, That Held Right Now In City Jails, County Jails, State Prisons, Federal Prisons And Military Prisons, Worldwide .


We Believe, That The Many Of Our Brothers And Sisters Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Now Held In City Jails, County Jails, State Prisons, Federal Prisons And Military Jails, Have Not Received A Fair And Impartial Trial Under A Racist Judical System, And Must Be Freed Immediately From Incarceration, Worldwide .


We Believe, In The Ultimate Elimination Of All Wretched, Inhuman Penal Institutions, The Masses Of Men and Women Imprisoned Inside Every Babylon Government And Governments Just Like, Or By Their Military Forces, Are The Victims Of Oppressive Conditions Which Are The Real Cause Of Their Imprisonment, Worldwide .


We Believe, That When People Are Brought To Trial, They Must Be Guaranteed By All Governments, Juries Of Their Peers, Attorneys Of Their Choice And Freedom From Imprisonment, While Awaiting Trial, Worldwide. A Peer Is A Person From A Similar Economic, Social, Geographical, Historical, Spiritual, Religious And Racial Background .


We Have Been And Are Being Tried By All Babylon Juries And Juries Just Like, That Have No Understanding Of The Avarage Reasoning Person Of The Oppressed First Nations Grassroots Community, Worldwide .


16. We Want A Immediate Land, Bread, Housing, Peace, Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality ... And Pan'Liberation, For All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide .


When In The Course Of Human Events, Its Become's Necessary For One People To Disolve The Political Bonds Which Have Connected Them With Others, And To Assume, Among The Powers Of The Earth, The Seperate And Equal Station To Which The Laws Of Nature Entitle Them, A Decent Respect To The Opinions Of Mankind, Requires That They Must Declare The Causes Which Impel Them To The Seperation .


Our History Has Proven, That The Babylon Man And His Hetchman, Is Absolutely Disagreeable To Gert Along-With In Peace. And That All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots Have Been Subjected To the Babylon Man's Wrath .


We Know That The Babylon Nature, Will Not Allow Any Human Being Of All First NationsGrassroots, To Share The True Unity, Freedom, Justice, Equality And Pan'Liberation With Our Aggressors, Worldwide .


Therefore, We Say To All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, That We Declare Our Rights On This Earth To Be A Human Being, To Be Respected As A Human Being, To Be Given The Rights Of A Human Being In Every Society, To Be Given The Rights For Pan'Liberation, On This Earth, In This Day, Which We Will Bring Into Existence For All Our People Of All Our First Nations Grassroots, Worldwide - By Any Means Necessary .


Etc. ... Etc. ...




Vow To The Sun ... Wakantanka , Great Spirit Of The Sun , Source Of All Life , Created In Violence , Pleasure And Pain ... Which Then Takes Life To Sunstain Life , In The Eternal Cycle Of Life And Death ... I Stand Humble And Obedient Before You , Please Make Me Worthy ! First Nations Holy Sacred Practice


Our Ancesters Principles , Guidelines And Goals Are Past Down To Us , Which We Will Follow , Worldwide ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


The Actual Practice Of The 'Vow To The Sun' Was Forbidden By The Occupied United Stadtes Government In The Latter Part Of The 1800's ... But Nobody Have The Right To Tell Us That We Can Not Practice Our 'Holy Sacred Vow To The Sun' That Was Past Down To Us By Our Ancesters ... We Will Always Practice Our 'Vow To The Sun' ... Worldwide ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


I Believe Only In The Wisdom And Proverbs Of Our Ancesters ... And I Believe Only In The Law Of Our Ancesters , Worldwide ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


I Never Shovel A Grave For Our Enemy , I Always Let Our Enemy Shovel There Own Grave ... Can You Dig It ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


First Nations Unity , Warrior And Revolutionary Courage , Wisdom , Education And Knowledge Is Our Passport To Get Out Of Oppression And Slavery ... But Only In Unity We Will Stand Tall ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


Doesn't Matter From What First Nation Tribe Or First Nation Culture You May Be ... As Long As You Standing In The Name And In Fact In The Filthy And Inhumane Babylon System And Run After The Filthy And Inhumane Babylon System ... You Are Always Will Be The Babylon Slave-Masters Slave ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


The Wihios And There Henchman ' There Uncel Tom's , Had Call Me A Redskin N****r , A Lightskin N****r And A Breed N****r ... And I Tell You Why , Because I'am The Good N****r The Wihios And Their Uncel Tom's Love To Hate ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


If Fighting Against The Occupied Powers And Bloodsuckers Just Like Is A Crime , May Wakantanka Forgive Me ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


If I Never Have To Deal From This Second On For The Rest Of My Life ... With A Wihio And His Uncel Tom ... It Is Still To Soon ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


Babylons Religions And Religions Just Like ... Is The Opium For The Uneducated , Incompetent , Hyporites And Ignorant People Of A Nation ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


Babylons Religions And Religions Just Like ... Was Made Up And Founded By People To Gain Power Over Nations  ... Therefore , Babylons Religions And Religions Just Like ... Is The Opium For The Uneducated , Incompetent , Hypocrites And Ignorant People Of A Nation ' Chanarong Shabazz Broken Hand


They Call Us Racists And Antisemites ... Well If It Means To Be Against Occupying Powers And Murderer And Rapist And Bloodsuckers Just Like ... , Then You Are A Racist And A Antisemite ... Well Then We Are Racists And Antisemites ... But Good One's , They Love To Hate ' Big Eagle Shabazz


We Are Not Racists Or Antisemites ... We Are Anti - Babylon ... Anti - Babylonsystem ... Anti - Babylonian And Anti - Bloodsuckers Just Like ' Big Eagle Shabazz


I Refuse To Be A Slave For Anybody And Anything ... Doesn't Matter What Price I Have To Pay For It , Worldwide ' Big Eagle Shabazz


The Babylonians And Bloodsuckers Just Like Rape Our First Nations ' The Mankind ' And Poison Our Sacred Grounds To This Current Day ... Then We The First Nations Have The Right To Defend Ourself , Worldwide ' Teela Geronimo


Justice For All Our Truthfully Brothers And Sisters Of All Our First Nations Worldwide , Just Us ' For Us , Worldwide ' Teela Geronimo


Before I Go To Sleep , I Pray For Our Ancestors ... Our Family ... Our Friends And Our Tribes . When I Wake Up , I Pray For Our Ancesters ... Our Family ... Our Friends And Our Tribes . But Between It , I Stand Up Tall And Fight For The Rights Of All Our People , Worldwide ' Porica Geronimo


The Only Origional North'Americans , Central'Americans And South'Americans Are The Native American Nations ... And Then Comes The Afro North'American , Afro Central'American And Afro South'American ... The Rest , Get The Hell Out And Leave Everything Behind You Were Stealing And Go Back Where You Came From ... That Same Count For All Other First Nations Continents , Countrys And Islands , Worldwide ' Porica Geronimo


I'am A Warrior And Revolutionary , And I Will Never Surrender , Worldwide ' Morningstar Crasy Horse


I'am For Unity Between All Our First Nations ... But For No Unity Between Us And The Traitors ... And Our Casino-Owners , Casino Workers And Oilfield-Owners On Our Reservations Are Traitors ... And Everybody Know What Is The First Nations Law And Punishment ... For Traitors And Bloodsuckers Just Like ' Morningstar Crasy Horse


The Best Way To Start To Show Resistence Against The Occupying Powers And There Uncel Tom's ... Is To Live You're Culture , Doesn't Matter In What Situation You Are ... Or What Concequences You Or The People Around You Have To Take , Worldwide ' Ashanti Nkrumah




Sitting Bull ... Crazy Horse ... Yellow Hawk ... Broken Hand ... Little Dog ... American Horse ... Morning Star ... Wyuse ... Little Hawk ... Richard Oakes ... Rod Skenandore ... Leonard Peltier ...  Dennis Banks ... Russell Means ... Pearl Means ...


Geronimo ... Chappo ... Chihuahua ... Perico ... Natchez ... Teela ... Mangus ... Chato ... Grey Wolf ... Flying Eagle ... Galloping Horse ... Chomina ... Annuka ... Porica ...


Emiliano Zapata ... Francisco 'Pancho' Villa ... Petra Herrera ... Ramon 'Paco' Ramirez ... Carlos 'Pancho' Gonzales ... Maria 'Apache' Sanchez ... Talia 'Maya' Moreno ...


Kunta Kinteh ... Alex Haley ... Malcolm X ' Shabazz ... Dr. Betty Shabazz ... Ossie Davis ... X Clan ... Madame C. J. Walker ... Harriet Tubman ... Frederick Douglas ... Dr. Henrik Clarke ... Huey P. Newton ... Fred Hampton ... Mumia Abu'Jamal ... Kwame Ture ... Eldridge Cleaver ... Kathleen Cleaver ... Afeni Shakur ... Tupac Amaru Shakur ... Sanyika Shakur ... Assata Shakur ... Mutulu Shakur ... Jalil Muntaqim ... Sundiata Acoli ... Sekou Odinga ... Geronimo Ji'Jaga ... Dr. Khalid Muhammad ... Stanley 'Tookie' Williams ...

Shaka Zulu ... Lion Of Judah ' Haile Tafari Makonnen Selassie ... Amilcar Cabral ... Jomo Kenyatta ... Kwame Nkrumah ... Marcus Mosiah Garvey ... Miriam Makeba ... Rootsqueen Nanny Of The Maroons ... Maurice Bishop ... Patrice Lumumba ... Sekou Toure ...  Thomas Sankara ... Stephen Bantu Biko ...


Simón Bolivar ... Ernesto Che'Guevara ... Hugo ' Bolivar ' Chávez ...




" If We Must Die , We Die Defending Our Rights "  Sitting Bull


" One Does Not Sell The Land People Walk On "  Crazy Horse


" First We Was Fighting To Survive ' Now We Declare War "  Geronimo


" For The World To Live ' Columbus Must Die "  Russell Means


" If They Stand Behind You ' Protect Them ... If They Stand Beside You ' Respect Them ... If They Stand Against You ' Defeat Them "  First Nations Grassroots Law


" Better To Die On Your Feet , Than Live On Your Knees " Emiliano Zapata ' Zalazar


" Better To Die With Honor , Than To Go On Your Knees For Any Gringo " Francisco ' Pancho ' Villa


" There Is No Way To Be Certain Of Having Something Worth Living For , Unless We Are Ready To Die For It " Ernesto Che'Guevara


" Patria ' Justicia ' Igualdad ' Liberación ... Libertad O'Muerte " Hugo ' Bolivar ' Chávez


" Spiritual Power Is The Eternal Guide , In This Life And The Life After , For Man Ranks Supreme Among All Creatures . Led Forward By Spiritual Power , Man Can Reach The     Summit Destined For Him By The Great Creator And Mother Earth " The Lion Of Judah ' Haile Tafari Makonnen Selassie


" A Man , Woman And Child With Black Or Brown Skin Is Not A Badge Of Shame , But It Is A Glorious Symbol Of National Greatness " Marcus Mosiah Garvey


" All People Of African Descent , Whether They Live In North America Or Central America Or South America , Caribbean , Or Any Part Of The World , Are African And Belong     To The African Nation "  Kwame Nkrumah


" Nobody Can Give You Freedom ' Nobody Can Give You Equality Or Justice Or Anything ' If You're A Man You Take It "  Malcolm  X


" You Can Jail A Revolutionary , But You Can't Jail The Revolution ' Sing Loud Til The World Can't Ignore Anymore "  Huey P. Newton


" I Am A Revolutionary ' I Am The Proletariat ' I Am The People "  Fred Hampton


" A Womans Place Is In The Struggle "  Kathleen Cleaver


" Think Like A Warrior ' Walk Like A Warrior ' Be A Warrior ' Freedom Or Death "  Khalid Muhammad




Russell Means ... Being Indigenous And Aim


Russell Means ... For The World To Live ' Columbus Must Die


Russell Means ... Speaks Out ' November 10. 1980


Russell Means ... Testifies At Senate Hearing ' 1989


Russell Means ... Woman And Matriarchy


Johnny Lee ... Stand Up ' Stand N Rock


Johnny Lee ... One World ' We Are One


Profific The Rapper X ' A Tribe Called Red ... Black Snakes


Malcolm X ... Message To The Grassroots ' November 10. 1963


Malcolm X ... The House Negro And The Field Negro ' 1963


Malcolm X ... The Ballot And The Bullet ' April 12. 1964


Malcolm X ... On Women ' Marriage ' Leadership And Study


Malcolm X ... By Any Means Necessary


X ' Clan ... Heed The Word Of The Brother


X ' Clan ... Funkin Lesson


X ' Clan ... Grand Verbalizer ' What Time Is It




We , The Black Panther Organization For Pan'Liberation , Charge Every Babylon Government And Government And People Just Like , With The Following Previous And Current Crimes Against All First Nations Grassroots ' The Mankind ' Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Apartheidnism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Capitalism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Capitalize Imprisonment ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of COINTELPRO ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Colonialism ... [ Identity - Culture - Economic - Political - Religious ] ...  Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Communism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Corruption ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Degration ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Dictatorship ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Fals Education ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Exploitation Through Mankind Against Mankind ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Colonial Evangelistism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Fascism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Freemasonry ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Fundamentalist And Extremist Political Schools , Organizations , Governments And Supremacies ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Fundamentalist And Extremist Religious Schools , Organizations , Governments And Supremacies ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Genocide ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Grassroots Violence ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Gringonism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugation Of Homosexualnism , Lesbianism , Transsexualnism And Pedophilenism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Imperialism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Islamism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Lobbyism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Nazism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Occupying Powers ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Colonial Orthodoxism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Poverty ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Colonial Protestantism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots ... Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Racism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Rape Of People ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Slavery And Slave Trade ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Substance Abuse ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Terrorism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Torture ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Tyranny ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Uncel Samnism , Uncel Tomnism And Aunt Tomnism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Vaticanism And Opus Deinism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


For The Subjugatetion Of Zionism ... Against All First Nations Grassroots , Worldwide .


Etc. ... Etc. ...




Anti - Apartheid ... Anti - Zionism , Worldwide .


Anti - Capitalism ... Anti - Neo Capitalism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Capitalize Imprisonment ... , Worldwide .


Anti - COINTELPRO ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Colonialism ... Anti - Neo Colonialism ... [ Identity - Culture - Economic - Political - Religious ... ] , Worldwide .


Anti - Communism ... Worldwide .


Anti - Corruption ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Degradation ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Dictatorship ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Fals Education ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Exploitation Through Mankind Against Mankind ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Colonial Evangelistism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Fascism ... Anti - Neo Fascism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Freemasonry ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Fundamentalist And Extremist Political Schools, Organizations, Governments And Supremecies ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Fundamentalist And Extremist Religious Schools, Organizations, Governments And Supremecies ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Genocide ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Grassroots Violence ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Gringonism ... Anti - Rednecknism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Homosexualnism ... Anti - Transsexualnism ... Anti - Pedophilenism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Imperialism ... Anti - Neo Imperialism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Islamnism ... , Worldwide


Anti - Lobbyism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Nazism ... Anti - Neo Nazism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Occupying Powers ... Anti - Occupying Army ... Anti - Occupying Governments ... Anti - Occupying Supremecies ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Oppression ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Colonial Orthodoxism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Poverty ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Colonial Protestantism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Racism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Rape Of People ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Slavery ... Anti - Slave Trade ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Substance Abuse Of All Kind ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Terrorism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Torture ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Tyranny ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Uncle Samnism ... Anti - Uncle Tomnism ... Anti Aunt Tomnism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Vaticanism ... Anti - Opus Deinism ... , Worldwide .


Anti - Zionism ... , Worldwide .


Etc. ... Etc. ...


* * No Pictures Nor Available Texts On This Website Is To Be Copied Or To Be Reproduced Without The Written Permission Of The Black Panther Organization - First Nations Grassroots Movement * *